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  • BBA
  • Graduation Policy
    A Student will be awarded the Bachelors Degree upon fulfilling the following requirements:
    • The successful completion of 120 credit hours
    • The number of credit hours as specified in the field of major
    • Achievement of CGPA not less than 2.00 in the following:
    • Overall, in the 120 credits earned
    • Specially, in the courses of chosen major area
    • Importantly, in each Capstone course [C Grade]
    • Recommended for graduation by the University Faculty and Administration
    Graduation Honors
    Upon meeting the Bachelors Degree graduation requirements, those students who have exhibited academic excellence will be awarded designations to indicate that they have graduated with honors. To be eligible for these honors, a student must have a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) on credits earned at Skyline University as per following:
    • Cum Laude An average of 3.5 or higher
    • Magna Cum Laude An average of 3.7 or higher
    • Summa Cum Laude An average of 3.9 or higher
  • MBA
  • Graduation Policy A student will be awarded the Masters of Business Administration degree upon fulfilling the following graduation completion requirements:
    • Successful completion of 36 credit hours
    • Achievement of overall CGPA not less than 3.0
    • Achieving minimum B Grade in Capstone Course.
    • Recommendation for Graduation by the SUC Faculty and Administration
    Graduation Honors Upon meeting the Masters Degree graduation requirements, those students who have exhibited academic excellence will be awarded designations to indicate that they have graduated with honors. To be eligible for these honors, a student must have a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) on credits earned at Skyline University College as per following:
    • Cum Laude An average of 3.5 or higher
    • Magna Cum Laude An average of 3.7 or higher
    • Summa Cum Laude An average of 3.9 or higher
    Graduation Ceremony
    • Students who successfully complete the degree are awarded their Bachelor / Masters degree during the graduation ceremony.
    • The students are required to fill the graduation applications along with fee as applicable.
    • The graduation applications are then sent to the Examination Department for preparation of degree.
    • Administration prepares the list of students who have successfully completed the degree.
    • Administration arranges the degree according to the list and the students are given a graduation number according to the list.
    • The same is handed over to the student during the ceremony.
    • Attestation chip fees as applicable by Finance department
    • Graduation fee as applicable by Finance department
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