Advisory Board
The skyline center for entrepreneurship and innovation (SCENTI) advisory board includes add members from academia, professionals and entrepreneursof entrepreneurship professionals who foster the spirit of entrepreneurship through innovative outreach programs. The advisory board provides the leadership and guidanceand isresponsible for the general management of the center. The chairman of the advisory board is the founder president of the skyline University College.

The functions of the center are executed by the head of the center under the guidance of the chairman and advisory board. The head holds the responsibility to execute and report to the chairman and advisory board at regular intervals.

Profile of the advisory Board members:
  1. Mr. Kamal Puri - Founder President Skyline University College
  2. Mr. Nitin Anand - Chair of Executive Council (COEC) | Skyline University College
  3. Dr. Amitabh Upadhya - PhD - Professor & Dean Skyline University College
  4. Dr. Sudhakar Kota - PhD - Professor and Head QA
  5. Dr. Deepak Kalra
  6. Mr. Rajeev Jain
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