Sports Committee is the guiding force for promoting the sports culture at SUC. The committee is formed by incorporating members from faculty, staff and students. The formation of the committee is by selection from faculty and staff; while students have an option to join the committee based on their interest. The duration of the committee is for an academic year, during which they will meet at regular intervals to plan, discuss and execute the activities as scheduled by the Sports Department.

The purpose of the Sports Committee is to act in an advisory capacity for the following functions:
  • Be a sounding committee for new ideas
  • Assist in selecting the SUC teams
  • Assist in organizing the SUC Sports Festivals
  • Help to conduct SUC picnic
  • Create Healthy and Friendly Brotherhood atmosphere in SUC campus
  • To develop leadership qualities through games and sports
Sports Committee consists of the following members:
  • Head Sports department
  • Head Finance Department
  • Elected Members of Student's Sports Committee
  • SUC Team selection procedure
  • Participation in Tournaments
  • Members of SUC Teams
  • In the month of September, the sports department conducts orientation where information regarding various games, team selection and trial schedules is informed. The interested students have to register their names for being selected in the teams. Head sports department with the help of sports committee conducts the trials to test fitness and participation of students and later declare the team to represent the SUC. Information pertaining to the same will be displayed on the notice board and copies sent to concerned students.
    • Basketball (Male students & Female students)
    • Volley ball (Male students & Female students)
    • Soccer (Male students)
    • Tennis (Male students & Female students)
    • Table Tennis (Male students & Female students)
    • Cricket (Male students)
    • Badminton (Male students & Female students)
  • The Head of Sports Department will assign a coach to each team. A playing squad list will be compiled by the assigned coach and submitted to the Sports Department for approval. The Head of Sports will remove all ineligible students as prescribed in the regulations of SUC and submit the lists to the administration office.
  • Practice for all athletic teams are normally scheduled from 1400 to 1800 hours on Sunday to Thursday, or as announced by the coach with approval by the Head sports department. Selected students for respective teams will have to attend all scheduled practices sessions unless excused by the coach or Head sports department. Students are required to attend all the pre-scheduled practice sessions and matches by obtaining permission from respective faculty whose class they will be missing.
  • The Head of Sports Department will provide required equipment for the players subject to budgetary limitations.
  • All sports seasons will begin and end in conformity with Higher College of Sports Federation regulations.
Department sends the SUC teams for different Inter-collegiate/Inter-University competitions. The department organizes Inter-discipline competition between students from different majors of study and selects prominent players from SUC team. Coaching camps are conducted for these players before finalizing the team. The Head of Sports Department will authorize the number of inter-university contests in which each team may participate, within the guidelines set by the Sports Committee. Acceptance of invitations to tournaments is selected based on the strengths of the college team, exams schedules, major college events and budgetary limitations.
  • Once the SUC players join the team they need to fill up the form given by the Head of Sports, giving commitment that they will play the entire intercollegiate, Interuniversity and invitation tournaments. In case without notice if they miss the match, he/she will be debarred from the SUC team.
  • It is compulsory that the players must attend all the practice sessions arranged for the SUC team.
  • During the practice sessions or tournament (Internal/External) all the members should maintain discipline to uphold the name of the SUC.
The players representing the SUC team should maintain a highest code of conduct in all their inter-collegiate sports events to maintain the dignity of the University in practice and spirit.

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