Travel Tourism
CARGO & Logistics
Airport & Airline
Finance & Accounting
Other Courses
The CPD Department focuses on the job oriented professional diploma and certifications and empowers its student for the challenges of the industry by training them with core specialized trainers and industry professionals. We enjoy healthy relations with many corporate throughout the globe and keep inducting our students in the industry of their choice with the overall professional eligibility and skills development trainings. We are the leaders in developing travel tourism professionals in UAE.

The Center for Professional Development of Skyline University College caters to the needs of the people for their professional development and by training in the fields of aviation, airfreight, information technology, marketing, management, real estate, travel, tourism, and others.

CPD enables the participants to gain / enhance knowledge and specific skills required by them for professional growth. The department focuses on providing scheduled training at different levels in different areas of the industry. The Department is responsible to build a strong brand image & project the core values of SUC to the prospective candidates, SUC community & general public locally & internationally. The aim of the department is to reach the target segment by participating in various promotional activities, locally & internationally.

  • To identify, develop & conduct new international professional programs as per the industry requirements.
  • To update courses as per job market requirements to capitalize on industry required skills by students.
  • To achieve excellence in training with a blend of academic expertise & industrial exposure.
  • To facilitate & assist students in providing internship & placement opportunities in the relevant fields & skills acquired.
  • To create awareness about offerings of CPD.
  • To enroll prospective students irrespective of age, color, gender, religion, race, nationality and disabilities into CPD as per the admission policy.
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