Organizational Hierarchy & Roles
Organizational Structure
The chair will play a role of Incharge and coordinate with the above hierarchy. All the updates and progress will be communicated from the center. The chair will also coordinate with the Faculty specially from the above proposed domains and initiate the case work from fall semester. The chair of the Center will also coordinate with Head of Academic & Dean for its progress and smooth working as per the standards Skyline University College. He will also update on the routine developments to the SUC management. Each cluster member will be selected on the basis of subject expertise. Each cluster member will only be a SUC faculty member. Faculty member will also nominate one student in the same field. Each subject expert will be selected with the consultation of COEC, Dean and Academic heads.

Roles and reporting of Academic Advisors

Roles of the Chair
  • Coordination with Faculty, Students and Companies/Organizations.
  • Coordination with HOA for Case writing themes for publication
  • Coordination with HOA for various operational matters of the center.
  • Maintaining the Database of the Center
  • Identifying and visiting companies/organizations for case writing projects.
Roles of HOA
  • Coordination with Chair for companies/organizations
  • Coordinating the various operational matters of the center
  • Approving the recommended case writing themes for publications
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