Rules & Regulations
  • All SUC IT resources should be used exclusively for the benefit of SUC community to create an environment of learning and speed of services.
  • IT resources should not be used for consultancy or commercial projects, unless a prior permission has been obtained from the Dean.
  • All the users should strictly abide by the below specified guidelines.
  • Do not allow his/her id & password to be used by anyone other than Computing Department staff.
  • Do not damage any of the equipment.
  • Do not download and store culturally undesired/unwanted files in the system.
  • Do not modify the configuration of equipment, until the permission of Computing Department staff is obtained.
  • Do not bring any pirated software and install on any of the workstations in the computer lab.
  • Do not hack any site, as this may cause a framing of criminal case against him/her.
  • Do not download and install/copy any program from Internet.
  • Faculty, staff and student must use SUC email, portal account for academic purpose only.
  • Do not reveal their user name and passwords to other users.
  • Do not jeopardize the work of any other member or the computing network.
  • Do not modify the network configuration, until the permission of Computing Department staff is obtained.
  • The members must abide by the licensing regulations of the software provider regarding use of the software and payment for it.
  • The members should take permission prior to downloading and installing any software from internet. This includes software such as messaging, chat software, etc.
  • Do not damage any of the equipment.
  • Do not bring any eatables or drinks inside the reprographic center.
  • Students need to obtain coupons to get any photo copies and print outs.
  • More than 15 pages of a particular book/journal are not allowed.
  • Students will be provided printing services on first come first serve basis.
  • Do not use mobile phones inside the classroom & computer lab.
  • The students must comply with the instructions from a member of Computing Department staff.
  • No eatables are allowed inside the computer lab.
  • Uses of mobile phones / smoking are strictly prohibited in computer lab.
  • Deliberate damage to, or loss of, materials, equipment or furniture is a breach of these regulations, will brought to the notice of dean. Under such circumstances the student may be required to pay for any damage to the property he/she has caused then they should compensate the SUC for any loss it may have suffered.
The SUC accepts no responsibility for personal property lost or damaged at the SUC premises, including in computer lab.
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