Student Owned Technology Policy
The Computing Department provides information technology resources at SUC to the students such as portal services and email services. SUC student can use their personal devices like Laptop, iPad, iPhone, Kindle etc. in the SUC campus as per following guide lines.
  • The SUC will provide assistance to on-campus students connecting personal computers to the SUC campus network.
  • The SUC will not install operating systems or application software on student systems other than that required to gain access to SUC's networks.
  • SUC does not take the responsibility of repairing any student-owned equipment, software, or operating system files.
  • Students are responsible for keeping personal computers virus-free. Students who are knowingly or unknowingly propagating viruses on the SUC network will be disconnected from the network.
  • Student should not use the external storage media such as USB/CD/DVD/Pen Drive etc. on the SUC network without the approval of concerned faculty member, staff or Computing Department.
  • Student should not use SUC printing resources from their personal devices such Laptop, iPhone, iPad, Blackberry etc. without approval of Computing Department.
  • Acceptable Devices
    Students may access the student wireless network with any device with Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g) connectivity. Students may only access the network with devices that are their own personal property.

  • Content Filtered
    Access through Cyberoam (as per SUC's Internet Access Policy) to the Internet will be provided for student owned devices.

  • Personal Responsibility
    The SUC assumes no responsibility for the loss of, theft of or damage to any personal devices that a student connects to the student wireless network through Wi-Fi, wired or any information on that devices.

  • Security
    Students shall not impair the security of the SUC network. This expectation includes but is not limited to:
    • Students are expected to maintain up to date antivirus and antispyware protection on all devices that are connected to the SUC student wireless network. Devices without up to date security programs may be denied access to the network of SUC.
    • Students are expected to safeguard all network passwords. Students should not share network passwords with others and should change passwords every fortnightly. Students are expected to notify to Computing Department immediately if they believe their student account has been compromised.
    • Students are expected to log onto the student wireless network only with their account and not to allow others to use their account.

  • Inappropriate Use
    The SUC network is a shared network where all users are obliged to use the resource responsibly. Students are provided access to the SUC student wireless network through their personal devices primarily for educational purposes only. Incidental personal use of the network is acceptable, but students should not use the network for personal activities that consume significant network bandwidth or for activities that violate SUC policy or UAE law. These include but are not limited to:
    • Students are allowed to use only approved online academic/business games through SUC network.
    • Downloading software, music, movies or other content is in violation of licensing requirements, copyright or other intellectual property rights.
    • Downloading, viewing or sharing inappropriate content, including pornographic, defamatory or otherwise offensive material.
    • Conducting for-profit business.
    • Using hacking tools on the network or intentionally introducing malicious code into the SUC's network.
    • Conducting any activity that is in violation of SUC policy or UAE law.
    • Using any software or proxy service to obscure either the student's IP address or the sites that the student visits. Disabling, bypassing, or attempting to disable or bypass any system monitoring, filtering or other security measures.
    • Accessing or attempting to access material or systems on the network that the student is not authorized to access.

  • No Expectation of Privacy
    The SUC can and does monitor internet access and activity on the SUC's network, including but not limited to sites visited, content viewed and email sent and received. The SUC may examine a student's personal device and search its contents if there is a reason to believe that SUC policies, regulations, or guidelines regarding access to the network or use of the device have been violated.

  • Disruptive Activity
    Students should not intentionally interfere with the performance of the student wireless network and the SUC's overall network.

  • Unauthorized Networks
    Students may not create unauthorized wireless networks to access SUC's student wireless network. This includes establishing wireless access points, wireless routers and open networks on personal devices.
    Unauthorized copying computer program(s) from the SUC Computer System is prohibited.

  • Consequences of Inappropriate Use
    Students who misuse SUC's student wireless network will be subject to discipline which may include loss of access to student wireless or all internet access and/or other appropriate disciplinary or legal action in accordance with the SUC Policy.
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