Resources & Services
SUC Library has the following collection as on 01.09.2013

1 Reference Books 15274
2 Titles of References (approx.) 7871
3 Dissertations 460  
4 Scientific Journals 19
5 Magazines 14
6 Association Memberships & E-Databases 07
7 CDs/DVDs 239
8 E-Books 120
9 News Papers 10

Services: The Library offers the following in-house services to its members on a regular basis.
  • Internet/CD ROM Search Assistance
  • News Clipping Service
  • Reference/Referral Service
  • Current Awareness Service (CAS)
  • Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)
  • Query Based Service (QBS)
  • Implication of Copy Rights & Plagiarism
  • APA Formatting
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