Skyline Business Journal (SBJ) is one of the prominent business journals in UAE, has made inroads into those segments of industry and economy that are integral, but often underplayed. SBJ moves away from the beaten track of unloading high volumes of cumbersome information onto weary readers. Instead it endeavors to be concise yet complete in its contents. The journal attempts to bring to its readers important events and happenings both locally and globally and keeps them abreast with the ever-changing business world.
Skyline Business Journal was launched in 2006 and today it has positioned itself as one of the leading journals of UAE and covers a wide array of business research areas. The journal provides invaluable information in order to broaden the readers' perspective and also to aid them in their decision-making process.
Skyline Business Journal is published by Skyline University College, University City of Sharjah, established in the year 1990, Skyline University College was set up with vision of academic excellence, professional education. The University College is known for its faculty members, students and alumni's. It emphasis on quality, size and diversity while developing three main attributes i.e. Academic Excellence, Professional Education, Competitive Advantage.