Who is an Advisor / Mentor
  • An Academic Advisor can assists students in the process of planning and individualizing a program of studies which encourages intellectual and spiritual development, self-knowledge and professional competencies.
  • Advisors help students explore educational and career opportunities, set appropriate goals, and decide strategies for accomplishing those goals.
  • In addition, advisors can provide a listening ear, share in your achievements and disappointments, answer questions, and direct you to other appropriate services.
  • Goals
  • Duties & Responsibilities
  • Role
Goals of the Academic Advising and Mentoring
  • Monitoring the progress of the students continuously.
  • Implementing and communicating information about academic policies, procedures and graduation requirements.
  • Assisting students in clarifying their academic goals and objectives.
  • Providing individual and/or group advising opportunities to assist students in achieving academic success.
  • Making referrals and directing students to appropriate academic support units and resources.
Demonstrating a high level of professionalism and consistently maintaining confidentiality in advising/ counseling matters.
Duties and Responsibilities of an Academic Advisor
  • Assisting students to identify their academic values and goals in coordination with academic advisors
  • Clarifying pertinent information and discussing the implications toward students' academic success
  • Being accessible and available to students to respond to their questions and concerns
  • Clarifying academic policies, college regulations, program requirements, procedures, and other college information
  • Maintaining professional integrity, confidentiality, respect, and sensitivity in advising
  • Helping students define and develop educational plans; assisting in the selection of appropriate course work and opportunities to achieve student's goals
  • Respecting student's individual needs and diversity
  • Assisting students to independently monitor their progress toward achieving their educational and career goals
  • Being knowledgeable about, promoting and referring students to appropriate campus and community resources and services
  • Informing students of the roles and responsibilities of the advisor/student relationship
  • Maintaining currency in academic advising trends and techniques through professional development
Specific Role of an Academic Advisor
  • Assessment
  • Mid Term
  • Final exam
  • Over all results
  • GPA Calculations
  • Class Schedule
  • TOC registration
  • TOC schedule
  • Academic Standing (SAP – probation / final warning / suspension 1and 2)
  • Class standing
  • Accelerated program
  • Repeating course
  • Grade improvement
  • Change of major
  • Tracking academic profile
  • Toppers list
  • President list
  • Orientation level wise
  • Capstone courses
  • Policy and procedure
  • Graduating requirements
  • Add / drop of course
  • Monitoring towards degree
  • Dual degree
  • Progression (checking course / pre requisites / senior status course
  • Pre requisite course
  • Discussing academic problems
  • Discussing other issues related to faculty / non – academic / premises
  • Internship issues
  • Dissertation issues

Listing of Advisors of the Year

Skyline University College has an effective Academic Advising scheme for students. It has helped the academic performance of students in the past, we are ambitious to achieve more under this scheme. The objective is to help students achieve a higher degree of academic performance through the processes of planning and development of their study, growth, and a career that would lead to a prosperous future, while they are studying in Skyline University College. A faculty member of Skyline University College, who has the closest expertise relevant to the student's major field of study, is assigned to the group of students as 'Advisor'. Every student is assigned to an Advisor at the time of admission. Students can count on the Advisor for information about courses, accessing University facilities and academic support units, and guidance on how to perform better in their courses and programs of study.
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