Housing - External
SUC has tie up with furnished apartments in Sharjah. Skyline has authorised staff member and furnished apartment staff members to manage the students. The apartments are fully furnished with provision for self cooking. Maintenance and housekeeping are managed by the Management. The policies of the furnished apartment accommodation contribute to the healthy environment, commitment and discipline among the students. Students on Skyline visa whose parents are not in UAE should stay in the accommodation provided by the SUC. The students are encouraged to develop community life and inculcate the spirit of tolerance, thus taking care of their psychological and emotional problems and shape themselves to be better citizens. It is in this spirit that the rules and regulations are framed for the orderly and peaceful living. The following rules will be followed by all students residing in the furnished apartment. Violation of any of these rules will make students liable for disciplinary action including expulsion from the apartment.

  • Rules
  • Procedure
  • Guests
  • Discipline
  • Damages &
  • Arrangements
    at Vacations
  • Health
  • Dues
  • Caution
  • Holiday
  • Checkout
  • Application for admission to the furnished apartment must be submitted to the Finance Department.
  • The right of admission to the furnished apartment is reserved. Admission to the University Hostel will not be made as a matter of routine and it will be at the discretion of the Management.
  • The allotment of rooms to the applicants will be made by the warden. The students are not permitted to change their rooms once occupied without the written approval from the warden.
  • Students with chronic medical problems will not be admitted to the apartment. By chance, if any student with chronic medical problem gets admitted to the apartment, he/she will be asked to vacate the room immediately, when it is brought to the notice of warden to enable the student to have proper medical care by the parent/guardian.
  • If a student is expelled from the University for any Reason he/she should immediately vacate the apartment on the day of expulsion from the University. His/her continuance in the furnished apartment will be treated as unauthorized occupation.
General Procedure
  • There will be furnished apartment manager and a resident warden to look after the students.
  • The rooms are subject to inspection by the University/apartment authorities to make sure that they are kept neat and tidy and no unauthorized items like liquor, drugs, lethal weapons etc., are kept in the room.
  • The inmates themselves are personally responsible to safeguard their belongings. They are not encouraged to keep large amounts of cash or valuables like gold ring, costly wristwatch etc., in their rooms. They should also take care of their purse, calculators, cell phones, computers and books. In case of theft or loss of any items it will not normally be possible to carry out any investigation. The inmates are advised to keep their rooms, boxes, suitcases, cupboards, etc., securely locked with good quality locks.
  • All movements from and to the apartment should be recorded in the movement register kept with the furnished apartment staff. No inmate is permitted to stay out of the furnished apartment beyond 10:30 PM. Sunday through Thursday. On Fridays and Saturdays the students are permitted to stay out up to 11:30 PM for which prior written permission should be obtained from the warden.
  • The furnished apartment staff has instructions to monitor the stipulated timings as mentioned above. If they have any local relatives with whom they intend to stay during weekends, or if they have any local relatives who would like to visit them in the apartment, the names and addresses of such local relatives, duly authenticated by the parents/guardians, should be furnished along with the application.
  • The inmates are generally discouraged from going out of the furnished apartment during weekends and holidays. However, in extraordinary circumstances, if they want to leave the apartment, written permission has to be obtained from the furnished apartment staff. Whenever they leave the apartment for vacations they have to inform the warden in writing about their travel plan.
  • At the time of starting of the semester, no student should lock any room other than the officially allotted room. Students leaving the apartment after the semester or discontinuing their stay should never lock their rooms and cupboards.
  • The inmates are not allowed to keep air coolers, musical instruments, cassette record players, computers, electric irons or any electrical equipment without written permission of the warden. Unauthorised possession will lead to confiscation of the goods.
  • Use of Computers:
    • Installation of computer systems in the furnished apartment rooms should be done only after getting written permission from the warden.
    • The usage of computer is for academic purpose only.
    • The University/furnished apartment authorities will conduct surprise checks periodically and if anyone is found violating the above rule, disciplinary action will be taken against him/her.

Guests are not permitted to stay in the hostel. If the parents wish to stay, then the student/parent may approach the warden or furnished apartment staff, for getting accommodation in the guest house, subject to availability. The guest house will be provided on a nominal rent.
  • Strict silence should be observed between 10:30 PM & 6:00 AM.
  • Perfect silence is to be maintained in the rooms, bathrooms, dining halls, corridors, common areas etc. Every student of the hostel should have the civic responsibility that he or she should not be a cause of nuisance, annoyance or disturbance to others.
  • All inmates have to be present in their respective rooms and keep open the rooms between 10:30 PM & 11:00 PM every day (except Fridays) to enable the wardens to take the attendance.
  • The inmates are not to enter into any unnecessary conversation, discussions, quarrel or altercation with the warden/furnished apartment staff. If anyone has any complaint against any employee of the furnished apartment, a written complaint against the person is to be lodged with the warden. Use of abusive, vulgar and unparliamentarily language against the hotel staff is strictly forbidden.
  • The inmates shall not waste electricity & water. Wastage of any such resource is national loss. If anyone is found indulging in such wastage, he/she will be asked to vacate the hostel, since wastage causes unnecessary and unavoidable expenditure to others.
  • Smoking is prohibited in the furnished apartment. Gambling in any form such as playing cards (even without money at stake), consumption of alcohol, use of drugs and narcotics and even possession of such things are prohibited. Anyone found indulging in the use of such things will not only be asked to vacate the apartment but also be referred to the Disciplinary Action Committee.
  • Possession of any lethal weapons or any instrument/contrivance, which is likely to cause physical harm to others, is strictly prohibited.
  • If any student is found indulging in any form of instigation/intimidation/threat to any other inmates he/she will be asked to vacate the apartment forthwith. In this regard, the decision of the warden is final and binding on the individual's concerned.
  • Day scholars are not allowed in the furnished apartment.
  • Celebrating birthday parties inside the furnished apartment is strictly prohibited.
  • Collection of donation for any purpose (Religious / otherwise) is also strictly prohibited.
  • Students are not allowed to play skating rollers and other outdoor games inside the apartment to prevent breakages and accidents. Sliding along the hand rails/rest of stairs and fast running/ climbing down should be totally avoided to prevent accidents.
  • When leaving the rooms for attending classes or for vacation, etc., fans, electrical gadgets, lights etc., should be switched off. Glass windows are to be closed securely.
  • Students are not allowed to stay in the apartment during the class hours unless the stay is unavoidable due to illness or any other valid reason. In such cases they should take the permission of the warden and communicate the information to the Academic Advisor in writing.
  • Inmates coming to the furnished apartment after the stipulated timing without prior permission or without valid reason would be fined. Regular late comers will not be allowed to stay in the furnished apartment.
  • Clock alarms should be switched off, when not in use. There have been instances when students have set the alarm and gone on long leave, and some of them ringing for hours and spoiling the peace of fellow inmates.
  • Water should be carefully used and not wasted.
  • Wrong entry, improper / lack of entry in exit register, signing on behalf of another person, tampering with the entries, proxy attendance and misguidance of any nature are punishable. In case of any quarrel between or among room mates it should be reported to the warden for appropriate action.
  • Absentees / Latecomers (without prior permission from the warden) will be suitably fined.
  • Students coming late / or absent regularly will be expelled from the furnished apartment. Such students shall not be readmitted under any circumstances.
  • Violation of any of these rules would result in punitive action and serious violations would be referred to the Disciplinary Action Committee. The decision of the committee would however be final.
Damages & Recovery
  • Rough handling of dining hall furniture, room furniture or any furniture / property or fittings of the furnished apartment is strictly forbidden.
  • The cost of damages will be recovered in the following manner:
    • If any individual or group is identified to have caused the damage, double the cost will be recovered from him/her/group.
    • If damage is done in anyone of the rooms and the person(s) is / are not identified then double the cost will be recovered from the room-mates collectively.
    • If a damage is done outside the rooms i.e., in common places like corridors, bathrooms, recreation halls, mess etc., and the person(s) is/ are not identified, then double the cost will be recovered, floor wise or block wise or on the whole, as the case may be. Repetition of damage to the hotel property results in expulsion from the apartment.
Arrangements at the Time of Vacations
  • All the students (male students & female students) will vacate their rooms before proceeding on summer vacation.
  • Arrangements will be made to keep their belongings while proceeding on vacation. Personal belongings should be placed inside locked suitcases, trunks/boxes and should bear complete details. The items kept in the room are to be entered in the note book kept by the furnished apartment staff.
Students who have kept their belongings in the furnished apartment should positively report on or one day before the reopening day and take their luggage. Students who come late will not be entertained for any loss of property and will be penalized.
Health Care
  • Any inmates, who are not well, should report to the warden for appropriate advice.
  • A sick student should invariably be accompanied by 2 hostellers, along with the staff member.
  • If the situation warrants, admission to an outside hospital as inpatient, the same is to be reported to the chief warden immediately.
Payment of Hostel Dues
  • The payment schedules for new and existing students will be announced by the Finance Department every year. Hostel fee for the financial year 2009-2010 will be AED 1450/- per month. The hostel fee shall not include utility and mess charges.
  • Hostel fee should be remitted to the Finance Department on a semester basis. (AED-1450 x 4=5800)
Hostel Caution Deposit

A caution deposit of AED-1000/- has to be remitted in the finance department at the time of admission. This amount can be refunded to the students at the time of checkout with the approval of the warden.
Holiday Room Fee

If an existing inmate wants to reserve a room after vacation, he/she should pay AED500/- per month as Holiday Room Fee in the Finance Department.
Checkout Procedure

For checkout the student has to intimate the hotel warden well in advance to ensure enough time is given to complete the process. This requires checking of the room condition as well as completing the documentary procedures. The SUC will not be responsible for any of the damaged or missing items that are left in the room or in the storage areas.
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