Student Council
Members of Student Council are elected each fall semester as the official voice of the student body.

The Class representatives are elected by secret ballot and the CR from each class represent 1 for academic and 1 for non academic. From the CR'S a president and vice president are elected.

The Executive Branch is comprised of
  1. A president (Student)
  2. Vice President(Student)
  3. Registrar
  4. Staff Committee Members of the University
Student Council is funded by student fees approved by the SUC's Board of Governors and donations, gifts or sponsorships may also be allocated for Student Council. A variety of student services and programs of value to students are funded fully or in part by Student Council.

However, the executives of Student Council should work diligently to remain in contact with the students and their issues should have the ability to accurately voice their concern and solutions to areas of concern.
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