Student Committees & Activities (BBA & MBA)
It is in interest of the institution to ensure moral, emotional, intellectual and physical development of the students through adequate extracurricular and sports activities at BBA & MBA level. Different committees are formed to promote student leadership and professional development by providing opportunities for students to be involved on campus, in athletics, organizations and administrative committees.

Student Services Department coordinates the formation of these committees and conducts the elections of student committee heads. New students are given a presentation about the committees, by student counselor in the beginning of each academic year and interested candidates can fill up the committee registration form available with Student Services Department. The committees' membership is offered on a nondiscriminatory basis and is open to all students. Budget will be allocated for each clubs/committees.

Each committee is chaired by a Faculty member or Staff member for providing necessary guidance to run committee activities. All the committees have separate monthly meetings. Subsequently, all committee heads meet on a monthly basis. The structure of student committees can be found in Annexure B.

SSD is responsible for organizing the year round extracurricular activities on campus and coordinating for intercollegiate activities. Responsibilities include:
  • To plan a yearly calendar of events and activities and inform the student community before the start of the academic year
  • To advocate for necessary financial support where ever required
  • To coordinate for necessary infrastructural support to students, wherever required
  • To inform the administration department about attendance mitigation cases as per the institutional policy for students participating in extracurricular activities
To advocate for acknowledgement and appreciation to the efforts of students who have worked consistently towards SUC activities

Responsibilities of students:
  • To fill up the online committee membership form before deadline
  • To read various announcements related to events and activities on notice boards on a regular basis
  • To apply for participation in any event well before the announced deadline
  • To contact the academic advisor or the student counselor if interested to get a platform to showcase their talent in any field
  • To take prior permission from the student counselor and administration department to use any of the SUC facilities for any extracurricular activities
  • To take prior permission from the DEAN, student counselor and the administration department to miss any classes in order to practice for any event
  • To take prior permission from the student counselor and the administration department to stay back in SUC during afternoon break for any extracurricular activities
Following are the clubs: LIST OF COMMITTEES

1) Events Committee
Events committee is responsible to coordinate and organize year round events in the SUC. Also, this Committee will be responsible to coordinate the Inter-University activities and competitions. Committee head will be elected by the committee members. The events committee is one of the six student committees comprising of:

Students as members
  • One committee head to be elected from sophomore level student members of the committee
  • One committee chairperson from the staff
The chairperson along with the committee head will be responsible for:
  • Allocating staff members and student members (in consultation with the Dean and), for various events throughout the year, in the beginning of the year itself
  • To prepare the basic structure of all the events and communicate the same to the respective event heads
  • Monitoring and participating in the regular meetings of the committee members for various events
  • Assisting the event heads in the smooth flow of the events
  • Coordinating for student participation in various Inter-University competitions to make the presence of Skyline University strongly felt in the educational domain
  • Coordinating with the Finance Department for financial requirements of the Committee
2) Newsline Committee
The SUC publishes "Newsline" magazine once in a year an in-house magazine "Newsline" in addition to the Graduation Compendium. This publication involves contributions from students & faculty members and also highlights the year round activities .The publication of the magazine is by the efforts of "Newsline" committee and the student co-ordinator. Regular meetings are convened for compiling and publishing this magazine.

The committee shall comprise of:
  • Chairman (Faculty Member)
  • Students
  • English Faculty
  • Student Counselor
  • Reporters, proof readers, print designers
The Newsline Committee shall be responsible for
  • The publication of the Newsline.
  • For collecting and contributing articles (report on events / general)
  • Encourage students to contribute articles
  • Select and edit manuscripts
  • Plan the page layout
  • Proof read the draft copy
  • Circulate / distribute the final copy
Qualification for membership
The members of the committee should be interested in report and creative writing, preferably have some experience at the school level with publications and have sincere interest in being involved to develop such activity.

Term of membership
Members will be appointed for a period of one year. Re appointment will be subject to performance.

3) Class Representative Committee
The Class Representatives Committee consists of two representatives from each class. Election of Class Representatives is conducted once in a year at the beginning of academic year. Elected Class Representatives thereafter elect the President and Vice-President of the Class Representative Committee. The Class Representatives Committee also consists of DEAN, REGISTRAR & Students Counselor co-ordinator.

Responsibilities of Class Representatives
  • To discuss student affairs, academic and academic support services related matters.
  • Are solely responsible for the representation of respective student affairs and programs.
  • The President and Vice-President of Class Representatives Committee are responsible to attend all the invitations received by other Colleges/universities student governing body.
4) Notice Board Committee
The committee is responsible to monitor and organize the regular updates of notice boards related to various departments. They also coordinate replacing the old notices with the new ones. To creatively design the appearance of all notice boards. The committee consists of staff members and students as committee members. The committee members are appointed for a period of one academic year.

5) Sports Committee
Sports Committee is responsible for coordinating various indoor and outdoor sports activities at Intra University and Inter-University level. The committee is headed by the Head - Sports Department. The duties are as follows:
  • Holding regular meetings with the committee members as and when required
  • Preparing a calendar of the meetings and send a copy to SSD
  • Allocating staff members and student members by the Dean for various events throughout the year, in the beginning of the year itself
  • Monitoring timely communications with students and staff related to various events around the year
  • Coordinating with the finance department for financial requirements of the committee.
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