Drama Club
  • Purpose
  • Benefits
  • Events
Purpose of the Club
The aim of the Drama Club is to provide an opportunity to the students interested in theater to participate in all aspects of drama and enable them to stage dramas on their own. Students will be involved in all phases of play production such as performance, direction, design, technical support, backstage crafts, publicity, etc.
Benefits of Joining the Club
  • Performing plays give positive impact on the individual such as: develops self-confidence, trust, imagination, cooperation, concentration, communication skills, fun, relaxation, physical fitness, strengthens memory and broadens social awareness.
  • Participation in the University College plays
  • Utilization of university college resources
  • Sharing talent and skills in play production
Events Brief
  • Election of Club President, Secretary, club body
  • Find out various intercollegiate drama competitions being organized around UAE
  • Chose which ones to participate in
  • In preparation for the Drama competition for the Carnival, select a play
  • Get ready the script, decide characters for each role, decide costumes, accessories, backdrop etc
  • Send in requisition for the backdrop material along with budget details to the Events co-ordinator's office
  • Work along with Community Service club to for a street play or short skit for the charity drive to be organized during the Carnival
  • Form two different groups for drama competition and for street play
  • Start preparation for final show-down on Appreciation day.
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